AI driven keywording

I’ve decided to write about keywording this morning. For some time, I’ve used the IMS Keyworder website application which allows you to insert a few keywords into their web page and then choose which images match your particular one and then select the keywords from that appear in the various stock agencies against those images. I found that you can quite quickly identify photographs which match your image and then quickly choose the keywords that you think match the image in question. From there it’s simply a matter of copying the keywords into Lightroom and I make up appropriate titles and descriptions. I then use that completed image as the basis for copying keywords and descriptions across multiple similar files using the LR sync function. I can add a few particular keywords or change the descriptions as necessary to better describe the other files. My metadata gets inserted into the JPGs when I export them before upload to the stock agencies.

A couple of times I’ve tried the new AI-driven keywording systems where you can upload an image to a website and then obtain new keywords and descriptions for that image. However, this always takes me outside my main keywording flow which is that I keyword every processed image in Lightroom itself because that allows me to find images many years after I originally took them. With 140,000 images in my LR Catalog, that is a major requirement for me. Anything that requires me to export an image then import into an external system then copy the keywords back into my catalog seemed to be a step too far in my view.

I recently broke my wrist in a fall and so typing is relatively slow and difficult, and so I tried a couple of artificial intelligence driven keywording systems to see if they could help speed up the process. I went to Egypt in November and so I have many complex images to keyword. The first one I tried is from AI Stock Keywords and required an export of a file from Lightroom and then an import into their system, but it was quite easy to export a small file from my Lightroom catalog and upload that directly into the system. It is very simple – it just presents you with the title, description and keywords (which you can download in the file or in a zip file if you want). You can deselect keywords if you want. I did, because it includes silly keywords like photo, stock, royalty free etc. I just copied the keyword list and description and pasted into my LR catalog. The pricing is very competitive – just $2 for 1000 images!

The other system from is more complex and gives you many more options in terms of the number of keywords, providing some context information such as the location of the file in question and how many characters you require in the title and descriptions. There is a Lightroom plug-in available which is easy to install and allows you to select a command within Lightroom when you have selected a photo, which must, behind the scenes, upload a thumbnail to the website and then generate and reload the keywords and the descriptions into the photograph and the LR catalog itself. It all works very smoothly and is much closer to my preferred way of working and avoids the need to export images, copy and paste keywords et cetera into the catalog within Lightroom. The pricing here is higher, but it is a much more complex system, at $14 for 1500 upload credits.

What I found was that the low-cost solution which required the export and upload of an image actually generated keywords and descriptions that better fitted the image in some of my test cases. For instance, the system correctly identified a particular temple in Egypt that I was keywording whereas the system required that temple name to be inserted in the context area so that the AI system actually knew where the picture had been taken. This is not a great hardship, but does show how the world of AI keywording is moving forward.

This wasn’t the case on all photographs however and I must admit at the end that both of the systems actually generate quite reasonable keywords and descriptions. I still think I would add my own manual intervention to make sure that both the location and the correct details have been inserted into the file to allow buyers to eventually find and license that image.

I would have to do a lot more testing to finally rate one higher than the other! One of the systems is quite inexpensive and so it is very low cost to just use for each file and take the extra bit of trouble to remove spurious keywords. The Lightroom plugin approach is more expensive per image but still a relatively small amount compared to the time that these systems can save and the better keywords you will get, especially if English is not your native tongue.

I have affiliate links for both systems which I’ve inserted into the links above so if you would like to try these keywording systems, please make use of those links and I may receive a small commission as a result.

I’m not 100% sure that I know the answer to our keywording task. I think the IMS Keyworder system is still a great way of identifying similar images, but I must admit that the artificial intelligence driven systems are coming very close to what I would have chosen when I choose my own keywords from that system. I still like to add perhaps a few of my own keywords to make them slightly different from all of the other images in the agency databases but I will try each of the options as I go through these Egypt images and see which one I end up preferring.


After continuing to test various different images against these two systems, I’m concluding that the AI Stock Keywords system is better at identifying what is in the image, but the system perhaps chooses more complex keywords for the image it sees. I tested two images of a riverside town in Egypt. AI Stock Keywords spotted the mosque and minarets in the image, which were not seen by Both recognized that it was an Egyptian town and chose various words describing the town and its surroundings. When I uploaded an image of our local pickleball courts (where I broke my wrist!), only AI Stock noticed that it was Pickleball, not tennis that was being played, but Phototag added Sports Complex, AI Stock did not:

AI Stock Keywords recognized what game was being played, but decided on this occasion to only give me single work keywords – no complex ones
Phototag didn’t recognize the game but had more interesting keywords perhaps?

Bottom line – they are both interesting. Phototag has much more control over what is going on, and is not particularly expensive. It probably produces better descriptions but they are still a bit flowery!

I’ve continued to play with both of these systems and finally, I think I have a conclusion. Each time I used AI Stock, I had to look at the keywords it produced one by one to remove what I think are redundant words such as “photo”, “stock” etc. Sometimes it provided complex multi-word keywords, sometimes it didn’t with no way to control that. If it was a simple file with not many obvious keywords, it tended to fill up the 50 slots with vague useless ones. I did have to export and do my copy/paste routine as well. Phototag allowed me to add a couple of keywords in LR (such as pickleball in the example above) and then just run their plugin to have it come back and fully fill in the results. I think I will normally suggest 30 or 35 as the required keyword number which reduces the chance of it returning less than useful ones. And you do have lots of control over what the results should be. So, even though it is bit more expensive, I’m going to choose A Winner!

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6 Responses

  1. Stanislav says:

    This is interesting topic.
    One thing that confusing me is that I still can’t 100% rely on AI. I spent a lot of time making my photos better and even better, so I just can’t pass AI keywording without checking the result. But if I manually have to check the result of AI keywording, then I spend extra time on this process, and may be it’s just better to keyword in “old style” manually. As I see AI keywording is perfect for people who making big amounts of photos, something like 50 photos per day and more. In this case every single photo is not so important so mistakes in AI keywording is not so critical.

    • Steven Heap says:

      That is a good point. If you spend a lot of time and only upload a few images, then keywording is not a great issue. You probably need a starter set of keywords though and either of these systems and IMS Keyworder give you that. But nothing is better than actually thinking about what your photo represents and what a buyer might use it for.

      I have 100s of travel shots from Egypt and although I doubt they will be big sellers, I may as well get them online. So I don’t want to spend a lot of time on them, but I do want the keywords to be appropriate.

  2. Sorry to hear about your hand and wish you a swift recovery!

    I use Phototag on all my images and find the software superb and a bargain for what it is.

    • Steven Heap says:

      I like the flexibility of that system, I must admit! More things you can fiddle with to get the results you want.

  3. Dave Bowman says:

    Interesting post Steve. I’ve also been using the IMS Keyworder for years, and then switched to training ChatGPT to create keywords for me based on a set of criteria I’ve input for it to follow. I also use it to create image descriptions. It’s free, and it does a pretty good job (once trained), so I never really saw a need to look elsewhere. Also, there’s no need to upload an image – I get it to work off the description once it’s created that as well as source other info from the web. Did you try ChatGPT before looking at these others?

    • Steven Heap says:

      Hi Dave
      I have tried the Microsoft version, which I think is the same, but I didn’t spend much time trying to train it on anything. I found it interesting that these systems could identify things in the photo that might be important to a buyer and may not be in the description. But I generally start the other way round – think of keywords and then write the description. I found that both these systems produced a reasonable description as well as a range of keywords that were generally appropriate. They give me a good starter set, I guess! But then I do my sync’ing between other images and add/remove keywords to that. I have 100s of travel shots from Egypt and they are proving helpful in generating this starter keyword set and description. I do use AI to sometimes generate longer descriptions for fine art sites, especially for Etsy where I have fewer images and can spend more time on them.

I'm always interested in what you think - please let me know!