Another Venture – Silver wire-wrap jewelry

My wife has now started her own venture under the Backyard Productions LLC entity – the creation of unique sterling silver wire-wrap cabochon pendants. These start from ornate polished semi-precious stones – called cabochons – and then she created a supporting environment of sterling silver wire, holding and enhancing the pendant for a lovely necklace or brooch. We have opened a shop front on Etsy – 20c to list each piece and 3.5% of the sales price in commission. However, Etsy manages the payment, which is quite difficult for a small business in its early days. The site is at BackyardArtisan on, and we have also created a site showing all the variants available at Backyard Artisan

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2 Responses

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  1. October 12, 2009

    […] on wire-wrapped jewelry I mentioned, a few posts ago, that Jacqui was building a business making jewelry – with a focus on delicately encasing semi-precious stones with sterling silver wire. Her […]

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