Earnings from Photography in September 2022
September turned out to be a big improvement over the previous months. Is this the start of a winter peak – we will have to wait and see!
September turned out to be a big improvement over the previous months. Is this the start of a winter peak – we will have to wait and see!
A dull month indeed! I guess it could be the summer doldrums, but my total earnings of $2425 is the lowest August since 2016. Last August was an unusual month in that we had the second tranche of Adobe stock purchases of files for their free collection, but even so, this is not a great result. I just noticed that in 2021, each month following was a pretty poor performer – I’m hoping that is not going to be the...
Middle of the summer and maybe a recession in the offing. What does that mean for my earnings from photography this month. I’ve dropped the word “stock” because my wall art sales did pick up a bit in July so I’m trying to be a bit more inclusive. So, at the end of the month (with EyeEM missing in action), I ended with $2876. This is not a record, although the highest month was in 2019 with just $100 more,...
Just how much money can you make from stock photography in 2022? Latest results from my efforts where I managed to almost hit $4000 in June 2022.
The rise of Free stock sites has been seen as yet another nail in the coffin of paid stock photography – after all, who will pay for images when there are so many free ones that people can just download and use in almost any way they want? I’ve watched this development with alarm, to some extent, wondering why photographers would give away such good images for free with only the satisfaction that they have a high download count. But...
All in all, a pretty good month with total earnings of $3016 although not as good as I achieved in April where I managed to end up with $3407. What really made last month special was the number of prints sold, especially on Pictorem, and this month was OK, but nothing like as good. Still, this is the highest May for 6 years, so I cannot complain! As usual, here is my graph of earnings: I didn’t add any images...
Yes, it’s true. For the first time in many months, my earnings in April 2022 have exceeded the previous four years earnings. Hard to believe, I know, and this was in a month where I uploaded exactly zero new images to the agencies. I’ve been on a trip to England for the past 15 days, which partly explains that, and also explains why this report is late. But back to the story. Earnings in April shot up to $3407, compared...
Shall we start with the good news or the bad? Well, the bad, perhaps! This was the lowest month since March 2016, but, having said that, it was quite a step up from last month to end with a total of $2775. Just to put this in perspective though, last March was $3315. There seems to be nothing that can be done about the steady decline in earnings. The overall graph looks like this: What is interesting is how every...
The shortest month of the year! Does that mean those stock agencies will leave us with a shortfall in our pockets? Unfortunately yes! Monthly Earnings Another interesting month that set a record as the lowest February in terms of stock earnings since February 2013! I know that Alex talked about inflation hitting our payouts in his monthly report, so just think how far I would have to go back to get an inflation adjusted record! February 2022 came in with...
A new month, a new year and a new low in terms of earnings from stock photography in January. As the month went on, I knew this was not going to be great, as I just did not seem to break a steady but very slow daily pattern. Of course, the horrible reduction in Shutterstock earning percentage on January 1 did not help at all, although I managed to climb to Level 4 by January 20, which still meant I...