Category: “How-to” articles

The best of my explanatory “how to do it” articles

Food Photography handbook

One of my favorite stock photographers is Annie from Milleflore Images in Australia. I’ve known her since the early 2010s and have been constantly impressed by the skill and dedication that she applies to her stock photography and videography, particularly in the area of food photography. Not only does she style her images immaculately, but she also manages to infuse every image with the senses of smell and taste that you rarely get from a simple photograph of a plate...

AI driven keywording

I’ve decided to write about keywording this morning. For some time, I’ve used the IMS Keyworder website application which allows you to insert a few keywords into their web page and then choose which images match your particular one and then select the keywords from that appear in the various stock agencies against those images. I found that you can quite quickly identify photographs which match your image and then quickly choose the keywords that you think match the image...

Update on my Fine Art approach

It has been quite some time since I updated my thoughts on how to sell your images as prints. I, of course, need to mention that I wrote an eBook about this and much of the information in that is still valuable (I believe) to anyone thinking of trying to sell their work as prints rather than stock photos. As I will report next week, December will likely turn out to be a pretty poor month in terms of stock...

Selling physical prints in an Etsy Shop

I’ve experimented in the past with trying to sell digital downloads from Etsy with zero success and so I made all the products inactive and forgot about it! But recently I was following a discussion on the Fine Art America forum about using FAA as the production partner for products sold on Etsy and some people reported some interesting success in selling via an Etsy Store. Etsy, of course, used to be entirely home-made products but now they allow you...

Manufacturing Costs between Pictorem and Fine Art America

I’ve written a post about my experience in creating an Etsy store to sell metal, canvas and paper prints on the Etsy platform. The process would be that someone buys a print on Etsy (I hope!) and I get the order. I then place an order for that print on either Pictorem or Fine Art America and they ship the item to the buyer’s address. Easy! But how to price those prints on Etsy? I decided to focus on just...

Fine Art America adds AI created Description and Keywords

Just a quick post in case you weren’t aware of this. Fine Art America has released a new feature that automatically creates a description and keywords for images that are uploaded without them. An image that already has those pieces of metadata pre-filled are not impacted, but if you upload an image without any metadata, or with just the title completed, their AI system will create the missing ones. I understood that they used a title (if present) to help...

Pictorem for Print on Demand portfolio

I’ve written about Pictorem before – I now have three main portfolio sites for my Fine-Art prints – Fine Art America, Pictorem and Photo4Me in the UK. If you decide to join Pictorem, please use this affiliate link. I might get a small bonus! My reason for writing now is that I idly looked at the Sales History tab on Pictorem and saw a sale that I wasn’t aware of with a date of 18 February 2024. It was this...

Get your prints with an extra 20% discount

Black Friday has some interesting sales, but one I didn’t expect was an extra 20% discount off any prints you have made at Pictorem – the site I use for my own large prints that already has free shipping. All you need to do is to upload your file, add the code BLACK20 at the checkout stage and an extra 20% will be discounted. I made six very large acrylic prints earlier this year and I certainly wish this had...

Jixipix Painting Apps on Sale for Black Friday

I only mention these from time to time, and only when it is a particularly good sale! I just saw an email that announced that the Jixipix professional digital painting apps will be on sale for Black Friday, with 50% off the normal pricing. That means that each of the Pro Products that I use are $24.99 instead of the normal $49.99 using the code BLK50. I have an affiliate link if you are interested that gives me a small...