Category: “How-to” articles

Comprehensive Digital Photography Training Course

I get a lot of satisfaction and some of my enthusiasm from reading well written photography guides – I’ve been known to read a 500 page guide to Photoshop from cover to cover which is not always recommended! I was browsing the web for new photography articles and came across an amazingly comprehensive digital photography e-Book from 123DI. They have a full demo on the site which shows you the way the book behaves on your screen, and gives a...

How can I sell my photos and get some money??

Introduction We have all spent a lot of money on cameras, lenses, equipment, computers and software and we probably don’t want to add it all up! We get a lot of enjoyment out of our hobby, and so, in 2008, I started thinking that it would be nice to make some money from the fine images I was starting to produce. I got involved with Stock Photography and I can help you do the same! At this stage, you can...

Christmas Sales on Zazzle – Kauai Calendar

I was really pleased to get a Best New Product Award for my 2011 calendar of Kauai in the Hawaiian Islands back in February. What is even better is that the Christmas gift season is now upon us, and the calendars are flying off the shelves – well, I guess 2 sales almost counts as roaring sales! Still, it is better than nothing, and if you are looking for a gorgeous calendar to send to your friends for 2011, then...