Category: “How-to” articles

Photoshop Editing of Reality

Just an amusing update to show the power of Photoshop in the hands of a skilled professional…. We were very pleased to go to Pittsburgh to see a performance of one of my son’s musical compositions by the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra – a photo outside the Heinz Hall was a perfect opportunity to slightly embellish the posters. Could almost be real!

Update on writing “how to” articles

Back in March, I wrote a series of “how to” articles at So far, I have written 9 articles, but unfortunately, although they have been viewed over 900 times, I have earned a total of $4.76. Not a great investment so far! I haven’t given up on this, and have recently added a new article about how to take great photographs of jewelry. At some level this is passive income, as the articles continue to be viewed, but it...