New License from Image Brief
One of my successful uploads to Image Brief was this one: It was awarded in 2014 and used in an advert
One of my successful uploads to Image Brief was this one: It was awarded in 2014 and used in an advert
The previous post about Microstockr Pro reminded me to blog about another sale on Fine Art America. FAA sales don’t come round very often, but it is always interesting to see what sells, and this time it was one of those sunrise shots of the Washington Monument from the Lincoln Memorial: This one sold as a rolled print for the buyer to frame and resulted in a $25 profit. Everytime I get a sale at FAA, I think that I...
I wrote about the Microstockr Pro App (currently in free Beta) a few weeks back and have been playing with it since. One thing I noticed that could really help me is the ability to match the same image across all sites and then see the total sales for that image. Why that helped me in particular was that for several years, Fotolia was very harsh on non-people and non-object images. My landscapes and travel images were rejected by the...
I was just playing with some photos I had taken at Coopers Rock overlook near Morgantown in West Virginia and was pretty unimpressed with what I saw: Pretty bland colors and the sky is very dull – not blown out but uninteresting.
One month I’m going to be really excited about reporting earnings again, but this isn’t that month! Here is my overall graph: Overall, I didn’t even make the $2000 benchmark, with sales ending the month at $1966.
Although I had heard of the application before, I had never got round to looking in more detail at Microstockr until recently. I’m glad I did! I downloaded Microstockr Pro – the beta desktop version and so far I have been very impressed. There are things they are still working on (a new update came through just this morning), but it is giving me a lot of insight into my portfolio that would be hard to find any other way.
I spend a lot of time thinking about stock photo opportunities, but sometimes you just have to relax and take some photos that you enjoy! They may sell (chances are probably close to zero), but it is just as important to hone your skills on ordinary attractive images! This week has been lovely in West Virginia – unusually warm and the leaves are starting to turn, and so a bike ride was in order:
I was doing an attempt at an ImageBrief brief recently – one about perfectly shaped water drops on a piece of polished wood – and came across the first area where my Canon kit was much better than the Sony A7R! Macro focus stacking. The picture I was attempting needed high definition focus from front to rear: It took me a bit of time to sort out the lighting (which needed to be low and behind the drops to get...
I’ll start with a post about the good news this month – a sale on Fine Art America for a shower curtain (!). My profit on this was only $5, but it is nice to think about the buyer stepping naked past my image (OK, I’ll stop that…) This was the image:
These things only come round every month or two, but this one was worth mentioning – a sale of a 30 x 18 inch metal print of the Wailua Waterfall in Kauai – sold to someone who lives very close to the falls, so I guess they must think it is a good likeness! The profit on this one with my FAA pricing plan