Category: Stock Photo Examples

Macro Stock Photography

I’ve become interested in taking really close images – I recently uploaded this image of a 1964 dime (the last year that dimes were made from 90% pure silver and these early coins are now worth about $2.50 each), and in the woods in Northern Virginia, I took these lovely images of bluebells with just enough depth of focus to make the shot interesting: I’ve been asked recently how I get a macro shot like these. First a definition –...

Update on X-Rite Passport Color Calibration

Late in 2010, I bought the X-Rite Color Checker Passport and did an initial review of this color management aid. I’ve been carrying this small plastic case around in my camera bag, and I do pull it out and take a photo of the color panels when I’m taking an image in tricky lighting conditions. This past weekend was peak blooming season for Virginia Bluebells and so I hiked into the woods to take some good images. My trusty Color...

Best earning stock photos in January 2011

It is always difficult working out which is the best earner in a month, as sales are spread out across multiple sites and it isn’t easy to calculate total earning per image. Instead, I will post and discuss the ones that had the highest individual sales this month. The biggest by far was this Panorama of Salo Harbor on Lake Garda in Italy. It was downloaded three times in quick succession, presumably by the same buyer who liked the size...