Comprehensive Digital Photography Training Course

I get a lot of satisfaction and some of my enthusiasm from reading well written photography guides – I’ve been known to read a 500 page guide to Photoshop from cover to cover which is not always recommended! I was browsing the web for new photography articles and came across an amazingly comprehensive digital photography e-Book from 123DI. They have a full demo on the site which shows you the way the book behaves on your screen, and gives a good impression of the depth that the author addresses each topic. The table of contents for the book is accessible from the home page and covers everything from the basics of digital imaging, through camera choice and settings, digital software, development, printing, color correction, and then a series of sections describing the way to use Photoshop Elements and Photoshop itself in great detail. Altogether there are over 5000 digital pages (which even I would balk at reading!) but each section is fully indexed and the idea is that you jump to the section you need to visit. If you have a noise problem – jump to Chapter 10 to read how noise occurs, how to minimize it and how to remove it if present. Noise in particular is one of the main reasons an image will be rejected from a stock site, so that section alone is worth reading in detail.

I’m off on a trip shortly and so this is definitely going to be in my reading pile (if that is the right description for an e-book!

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