Crazy Photoshop work pays off

I wrote about the photoshop work I had put into an image taken in Athens earlier in the month, and so far, nothing much has happened to that image (it was accepted by all agencies, but no sales). One I worked on way back in 2013 finally got its fame today with a sale of $30 on Shutterstock to bring its total sales to $60. Bearing in mind the effort (I still can’t believe I did it!), I guess this is just about an acceptable return on effort. Here was the image:

Original from the camera of a hammock on the edge of the beach on St Thomas
Hammock on the beach on St Thomas

I think I just kept using the clone tool to bring sand from the sunlit area over the top of the many loungers. Luckily the sand is quite rough and so it looked OK to keep copying it. I then had to add a new shadow for the tree on the left to try to make it look more realistic. Here is the final image I uploaded:

Image after the photoshop work to remove all the rubbish and chairs on the beach
Hammock swinging between palm trees on caribbean beach by blue ocean

I’m not sure I would spend this amount of time on an image these days! The rewards aren’t that great – better to find some cleaner images (or remove the actual chairs before I took the picture!)

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5 Responses

  1. khellon says:

    Well I have to say that I saw the original image and immediately knew what I was going to see below it. Good job and a return of 60$ is not bad especially considering the experience you gained.



    • Steven Heap says:

      Thanks Kevin! And I must write about these things more often. I just saw that my photo of the small street in Athens that was the subject of the earlier article has just sold on Shutterstock for 38c! The start of a big earning cycle!!

  2. Vlad Savin says:

    You did a great job with this photo. Very beautiful beach turned out.

  3. AlessandraRC says:

    LOL 30 bucks if it took you one hour to edit it was 30 bucks for an hour of work.

I'm always interested in what you think - please let me know!