Earnings from selling photos for stock in July 2011

What a month! After a couple of barren months, July roared back to give me both a best month ever and also I finally broke the magical $1000 earning level. As an earlier post detailed, I had a number of great sales – $118 on Alamy and $100 on Dreamstime, a couple of video sales for $25 each, and a few Shutterstock enhanced licenses for $28 each. A surprising entry in the list was iSignStock – a UK based stock site that is pretty new, and caters, I think, for the demand for printed images for adorning vans and vehicles. I would have thought that was quite a small opportunity, but they came in with a month total of $30 in sales. I have my images now on 22 different sites, and it is surprising how these little amounts add up month by month. Having broken the $1000 level, I need to work hard now to get more images online and keep above that level for the rest of the year!

Here are my normal graphs:

How much did I earn from selling photos in July 2011

Earnings per site Jul 2011

How many images and photos on sale

Images per site July 2011

How much did I make from selling stock photos in Jul 2011

Earnings in July 2011

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1 Response

  1. August 3, 2011

    […] from time to time), and now my photos sell regularly and I have just achieved one of my goals – earning $1000 from my photos in one month. So, the question, as the previous post explained, is: "is it better to get $30 for an image than […]

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