Earnings from Stock Photography February 2012

February started really well on Shutterstock with three enhanced license downloads in the first 3 days of the month, but then it slowed up…

Overall, though, the month was pretty much on par with recent months with total earnings of $1120. I worked hard in the early part of the month to get as many of my Hawaii/Kauai images online, and also took a series of macro and still life images as the month went by. That resulted in a pretty significant growth in online files during February with Shutterstock increasing by 202 images to 2370 at the end of the month. Here is the overall increase in files on three typical sites, and the resultant end of month totals per site:

Growth in files

Files per site

The earnings growth graphs show the steady progress since last summer – the largest site as usual was Shutterstock, followed by iStock with an extended license sale in the last few days of the month. 123RF was very good with a Best Month Ever of $67.57, followed closely by Fotolia with sales of $58.60, even though they rejected most of my Hawaii shots! Canstock was also great – achieving $46.90 with some distribution partner sales. Unfortunately, the rest of the sites were pretty mediocre – even Alamy only managed one sale netting me $23. My recent favorite – iSignStock – really fell out of favor with sales of $16. Seems like a big drop down from the heights or $65 last summer. Here are the graphs:

Growth in Earnings

Earnings per site

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3 Responses

  1. Dasha Rosato says:

    Thank you for the stats… I just posted mine – I’m only a few years behind you :).



  2. Terry says:

    Good work Steve. Good to see you are still making steady progress. My Feb was down a bit but just totted up March and an Alamy sale brought in my best month yet.

    I’m really struggling with Shutterstock though, I can’t get accepted even with pictures that have sold on other sites. I’ll keep trying, they look like a must if I’m ever going to get to the $1000 mark.

    Keep it up, how you had a good March.

    • admin says:

      My March was almost my best ever – $1286. iStock let me down as it was about $80 less than normal for some reason. Keep trying for Shutterstock – it really is the best site I am on, and they normally accept good well presented images. Try uploading a mixture of images for the test, and choose ones that are already accepted on a number of others. That won’t guarantee success, but it then shows that you can take a range of images.


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