Earnings in December from selling photos

The December results are pretty good, and also quite consistent from month to month. Although December obviously has two major holidays, and work tends to slow down in many offices, the final sales of $1188 are better than I expected. Shutterstock came in really well with a couple of Enhanced Licenses on Friday (of the coastline of St John), to give total earnings of $507 for the month – a record for that site. The previous high had been $451 back in October. iStock was pretty good, with solid sales most days to come in at $235 – a record for that agency as well. A couple of video sales from Pond5 early in the month helped as well, with the other sites coming in much as expected. iSignStock was a bit behind this month, delivering $36, but this is much better than Zoonar, which was zero for the second month. I’m beginning to think my sales on this site in the Fall were just an aberration, and not a sign of an active stock agency! Of the new stock sites (reviewed last month), Photodune is by far the best, with earnings of $20. AllYouCanStock is an even newer one, and this came up with one sale for $7.50, with Scanstockphoto giving me $3.90! Here are the normal graphs:

Earnings during 2010 and 2011

Earnings per site

Files per site December 2011

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