Earnings in July 2013 for stock photography

Somewhat belatedly, here are my earnings for July 2013 from the sale and licensing of stock images. Overall it was a pretty good month – not a record, but solidly above $2000 again. I ended the month with $2149 after counting the partner program earnings from iStock which came in on time this month. Shutterstock was its usual good performer at $924, iStock is struggling (apart from partner sales which are strong) and Alamy came out of its shell to end up with net earnings of $147. A surprise this month was Zoonar – this usually sits selling nothing from month to month, but this month I got a sale via them from Getty that resulted in earnings of $114. Zoonar is an easy site to upload to, and so I am glad I kept at it! Veer also managed to break the $100 line this month with one of their extended sales. Unfortunately nothing yet from my Symbiostock site (BackyardStockPhotos). I’ve not uploaded much in the past month, so I still have around 1000 images there – I’ve been focused on processing some images from photo shoots in Washington DC and also some more travel shots that I need to finish and get keyworded and online. Got to keep at it!

Here are my normal graphs:

Earnings from sale of stock photographs and microstock images via online agencies in July 2013

Growth in Earnings

Earnings from sale of stock photographs and microstock images via online agencies in July 2013

Earnings per site

Earnings from sale of stock photographs and microstock images via online agencies in July 2013

Percent of earnings from each site

Earnings from sale of stock photographs and microstock images via online agencies in July 2013

Files on line for sale

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5 Responses

  1. compuinfoto says:

    in the partner contract of zoonar about getty images is :
    Terms of Service / Agreement:

    The photos must not be distributed via Corbis or Veer. Do you have no problem with this?

    • admin says:

      Interesting – I was not aware of that. I will have a look at their terms of service again. I don’t recall that being very obvious or prominent when I checked the “distribute to Getty” box on their site. These attempts to maintain different pricing regimes for very similar images are becoming a very unsteady structure with the ease of distributing files digitally.


  2. admin says:

    I’ve had another look for this – still cannot see this on their site. Where is this restriction announced?


  3. Cathy says:

    Nice work, Steve!

  4. Chris says:

    Great sharing as always Steve, very inspiring! Keep up the great work and best wishes for all, sure your site will start to make it’s move and have some good action all in good time. Super Best, Chris

I'm always interested in what you think - please let me know!