Equatorial Guinea – stock photos off the beaten track

I’ve not been posting in the past couple of weeks as a result of a trip to Equatorial Guinea in Africa. In most people’s mind, a visit, at this time of Ebola scares, to West Africa is probably very low on the priority list, but I found it to be a fascinating location with a chance to photograph things that are not present in very many stock agencies. I’ve not decided what to do with my images from this trip – probably general “africa” shots will go to the microstock agencies, more unusual and scarce images with go just to the RM sites, Alamy, Corbis and Zoonar.

I only arrived back yesterday and so am still looking through my images, but to give you a taster, here is a shot of the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception of Virgin Mary in Mongomo – a massive church and courtyard that was completed and consecrated in June 2014. What is interesting in deciding how to price these shots on my own stock site is that if you do a search on any of the main stock agencies for “Mongomo”, the town where this Basilica has been built, there are zero images. So how much is one of these photos worth to a newspaper or perhaps an oil company looking for a great image of this new building? My current conclusion is just to offer them on my own site under an RM model – ie no auto downloads – the potential user can contact me to discuss their usage needs and get a price directly from me. I’ve already started to upload Equatorial Guinea images to BackyardStockPhotos and will add more as I keyword them.

Basilica in Mongomo, Equatorial Guinea

Basilica in Mongomo, Equatorial Guinea

Stations of the Cross against stormy sky

Stations of the Cross against stormy sky

Close up of Stations of the Cross

Close up of Stations of the Cross

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3 Responses

  1. chris willlemsen says:

    Thanks again for the blog and I am busy also on briefimage now. But what kind of site is corbis? Can I compare it with another stockite? Greetings from Holland

    • admin says:

      Hi Chris

      Corbis is mainly RM – between Getty and Alamy in terms of pricing and it serves newspapers, magazines more than web site. More difficult to get into – you need to have a very good portfolio and persuade the editors you have something of note.


  1. March 6, 2015

    […] lenses and the high quality of the results, even at higher ISOs and if I need to crop. The trip to Equatorial Guinea made me think – firstly because the country has a very poor reputation for hassling […]

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