Faving your images on 123RF microstock site

I came across this tip on the Microstock Group site as a way to increase revenue from 123RF. The link is a post from one of the 123RF staff, and explains how you can highlight up to 5% of your images as favorites (or “Faves”) and that those images are displayed earlier in the search results. The site show you how many you can Fave – it was 81 in my case, and so I went through my images and selected the best ones for this treatment. I believe buyers can do this as well as they go through their own searches, but obviously we have no control over that. It is a little early to say whether it made a difference, but 123RF was certainly up in earnings in July (I did it mid July), and it did appear that images that I faved were selling better. Which ones to fave? The logic I followed was not to fave images that were relatively unique, as those would come up in a search anyway – I tried to pick ones (like the Capitol in Washington DC) that I thought was a good and interesting image that probably is up against a fair amount of competition, and faved that one. I’m not saying you should do the same, but that was my logic!

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