Fine Art America Print – again…

Looks like this is going to be a good month – at least on the print on demand sites. After my sale of a print of Hanalei Pier in Kauai last week, I received another notification yesterday for a second sale! This one was for a stitched panorama of the town of Avalon on the little island of Catalina off the coast of California. I always liked the image – with a nice contrast between the lights and the sunset – and the buyer chose a perfect frame to highlight those colors:


Recent sale of a print on Fine Art America or FAA of a wide panorama of Avalon on Catalina Island mounted in perfect copper colored frame

This one was printed at 30 x 21 inches and my profit on the sale was $77. The announcement page on Fine Art America is here. Each time I get one of these, it makes me want to upload more images to the site! I have 716 images over there now, but I am sure I have other print worthy images in my portfolio. Time to look for some more! Here is my portfolio if you are interested and this is the default pricing I’ve had for the past 3 years or so:

I noticed recently that Picfair are going to be offering prints. I won’t hold my breath for sales, but it would be nice to get a few more of these!

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15 Responses

  1. You’re on fire, Master Steve! That’s a great shot.

    I’m still waiting for a surge at FAA. Had two in same week in May and nothing since. I’ve adopted the same pricing strategy.

  2. Juan José Napurí says:

    Hello dear Steve:
    Question ? Fine art has exclusivity? How many photos do you already have there? I have never heard of this Agency is macro stock or is it a different portal to the stock? Is it something like etsy?

    thanks in advance for your answer

    • admin says:

      No exclusivity at all. It is a print on demand site aimed at people who want a piece of artwork for their walls and so it is not normal stock material – more “fine art” stuff. So there is no point in uploading images of an object against a white background! You also need to add your images one at a time, although it does read the metadata for keywords etc. I have written a few times about it – search for fine art america on my blog. I have 700+ images there.

  3. Steve Boyko says:

    Beautiful image – and a beautiful frame for it!

  4. Mohammed says:

    Congratulations for this sale. I wonder if you promote your profile on Fine Art America at all. I have a small profile in there, but it seems that without any promoting, you woudn’t get the kind of views and sales that you probably want. Any tips on this would be much appreciated.

    • admin says:

      I don’t know how to promote it to be honest! So I don’t do anything other than uploading new images from time to time. I use my normal stock keywords, but sometimes change the description to make it more appealing to a print audience. But apart from that, I’m still looking for any secrets!

  5. Chris says:

    BEfore I had a free membership at Fineart America. NOw it is blocked because I have to pay 30 dollar for mremium. Do you have a payed premium?

  6. I think your prices are on the low site, especially on the very large prints. Consider the shipping on some of those large prints can be $300.

  1. September 1, 2018

    […] to the mix were the two great print sales from Fine Art America for a total profit of $182. I’ve often said (and I explain it in the video of my stock […]

  2. September 28, 2018

    […] thought might look good on a wall as a large print. Of course, I was made more enthusiastic by the two sales from FineArtAmerica last month, and even more so by a sale on […]

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