Fine Art America sale steams in

My portfolio on Fine Art America keeps throwing up occasional sales, which is always a nice start to a month. The previous one was in early September with an image of West Virginia University. This month it is one of a series of images of steam trains on the Western Maryland Railroad that runs from Cumberland to Frostburg. I went on a photographers tour a few years back where they stop the train multiple time to allow the photographers to get off and get ready for a shot of the train steaming up the valley – a great way to capture steam engines at full speed.

Recent sale on FineArtAmerica of a photo of a Western Maryland steam train puffing through the fall colors near Cumberland during a photography tour
Western Maryland steam train puffs through the fall colors

This one sold as a 30 x 18 canvas print to a buyer from Maryland. Under my new pricing plan on Fine Art America, this made a profit of $72.

Every time I see one of these sales it does make me think I need to get more images online at that site!

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6 Responses

  1. Elijah says:

    Congrats, Steve, great image!

  2. Congratulations! I am a new user in FAA, not with a premium account, yet. I am in stock photography a few months ago, trying to expand my portfolio. Great job, I keep reading you!

  3. Larry Gray says:

    Congratulations on the steam train photo! I have the free 25 photo FAA account, link noted on sign in data for this post, and about to upgrade to premium. What do you think of this idea to generate traffic. I am in the middle of writing an e-book, but with file size limits – both photos and the book itself – have a link (or reference on pdf version) to the FAA site where can review high quality prints, including others not included in the ebook and of course purchase if the so elect? Not naming the book subject at this time as a work in progress, but basically travel related.

    • Steven Heap says:

      Hi Larry – I think this will be OK as long as you have a smaller version of the picture. Some people will read your book without internet access and will want to see the images without going to another site. Also, I have a vague recollection that Amazon doesn’t like to see affiliate links in an ebook on their site. Not sure if these links will count or not, but worth checking if you are planning to sell it there. Good luck!

I'm always interested in what you think - please let me know!