Fine Art America – trying new pricing

I’m putting effort into my Fine Art America images by adding the digital art paintings created by the Impresso Pro plugin. I decided to look at my pricing at the same time and spent some time this morning looking at the pricing of images that had recently sold on the site. I focused on photographs and checked the pricing on about 24 of them. This table shows the sale price of a basic print in three sizes on the longest side – 8, 20 and 36 inches. Not all images were available at all sizes. My current pricing is in the top row:

Pricing of recent sales

Pricing of recent sales

As you can see, pricing is a bit random with some people with high pricing, but in general, my pricing looks to be quite a bit higher than most of the sales – perhaps by 25% or more. As you can bulk edit pricing, I decided to try some lower prices to see if it makes any difference. First I changed the default pricing for new uploads to this:

Fine Art America New Pricing

Fine Art America New Pricing

Then I went to bulk pricing for prints and added these same numbers to update all my prices to the new values. I’m hoping that will ripple through all my images. As usual, I’ll let you know if I start to get any sales of prints from FineArtAmerica!

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9 Responses

  1. Bill says:

    Thanks for the update Steve, it’ll be interesting to see what happens. Hmm, what about the fact that it’s January and folks have just finished with the holiday spending, did you see that as a factor for lowering prices or did it just seem like the right move on it’s own? It’s on my get it done list to have a foray into FAA land this year so I’m paying particular attention to your experiences. Thanks again for keeping us all so closely in the loop. Happy New Year …

  2. admin says:

    I agree that I have probably missed the prime holiday shopping period, but I’ve been wondering if my pricing was right for some time. This bit of research seemed to show that I was out of step with many of the sales – but who knows if that is a big determinant on whether someone buys my image or not?

    Happy New Year!

  3. Bill says:

    Well hello Year ’16 … and thanks once again for blazing the trail for we loyal followers who do so look forward to sharing in the Steve adventures and endeavors. Happy Snapping !

  4. Sher says:

    Some great advice and information, thank you đŸ™‚

  1. March 1, 2016

    […] – a sale on FineArtAmerica! Back in December I decided to reduce my pricing on FAA and explained the logic at that time (it was based on the average pricing of people who had had […]

  2. March 16, 2016

    […] don’t know if this is a result of changing my pricing on FineArtAmerica, but I have had my second sale of the month today. The image that sold as a 30 x 18 print was this […]

  3. June 1, 2016

    […] Although these don’t come round very often, I did get a sale in May on Fine Art America. The one that sold was a 14 x 12 inch canvas of a traditional Washington DC view – the moon rising over the city. This one earned $27 profit with my current pricing scheme on FAA. […]

  4. July 8, 2016

    […] profit on this one with my FAA pricing plan is […]

  5. March 21, 2017

    […] particular sale gave me a profit of $85 using the pricing I described earlier in a blog […]

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