Fine Art Calendars – trying again

I’ve created calendars in the past with reasonable success, but I think I made the mistake of identifying the year for the calendar on a specific cover page which means that I had to update the calendar each year to make it saleable again. Of course, I didn’t bother! This time I have used my best pictures of Kauai in Hawaii and made a front cover that is suitable for any year and put it for sale on Zazzle in my store and also, for the first time, on Lulu.

A brand new high quality calendar with the best of my photographs from the Hawaiian island of Kauai
Front cover of my high quality fine art calendar about Kauai

I’ve had some successes on Zazzle before, but Lulu is a new venture for me. I noticed that is showed well in the search terms for making a calendar, but it isn’t at all clear to me how it will fare in their searches, or how someone will actually find this. If you are able to do so, please give it a good rating on that site. I’d also be very interested in hearing from anyone about their own success in selling calendars and where the best sites are for these things!

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7 Responses

  1. traingeek says:

    I gave you a 5 star rating – hope it shows up soon. Beautiful photos – good luck!

  2. Good luck, I used to use Redbubble for calendars. They were a bit pricey with the postage but great quality. Alas they’ve stopped making them and haven’t looked anywhere else to sell them yet so I’d be interested to hear how yours go.

  3. khellon says:

    Hi Steve, I have sold 22 calendars in total all on Zazzle, I do not at present use any other sites but perhaps I will also give Lulu a go. I change the dates on my calendars each year at the moment which given the number of sales is probably unnecessary work. Kevin

    • Steven Heap says:

      Hi Kevin
      I’ll see how these more generic calendars do – I don’t know why people would care about the date on the front cover?

  4. marcin j says:

    Hi Steve, pictures You choose for calendar are great and beautiful but front cover – especially letters – looks like B-Grade Movie back in 90s 🙂

    • Steven Heap says:

      LOL! You are probably right. I was lazy and used something I had made about 5 or 6 years ago rather than creating a new cover. I’ll work on it!

I'm always interested in what you think - please let me know!