First Sale of Video Stock Footage

Just a week after uploading my initial videos to Pond5 and Shutterstock, I have had my first sale. It happens to be a video I created on the computer by zooming into a larger digital photograph of a foreclosure sign, but its moody and cloudy impression is obviously just what the buyer was looking for. The video sold for $50, of which I get $25. So a very good start to my adventure in stock footage sales.

You can see the footage here: Stock footage of foreclosure sign in front of modern house

I’ll keep you informed of future sales! Hopefully!

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1 Response

  1. March 31, 2011

    […] to be stock video. I uploaded some videos – usually 12 – 15 second HD clips – to Pond5 some time ago, and every month or two I get a sale, but this month I had 4 sales for a total of $125. Three of […]

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