Flickr as a marketing tool for Stock Photography

I’ve now passed the 500 on-line files in several stock sites, and am looking for ways of building up the sales of the files. My most profitable sites so far are Shutterstock, iStockPhoto and Dreamstime (please use the links if you are planning to follow in my footsteps as I get some referral income!!). DepositPhotos (see link on right) is interesting because they pay you to upload files, but has not been a great seller so far.

To try to market these photos to a wider audience, I recently created a Flickr account and uploaded small versions of my photos into that account. The idea is that a stock buyer can see the images, and then go to the stock site to actually buy a reasonably sized version. Hard to tell if it has worked yet, although I have sold at least one file that was checked out on Flickr and then purchased from Dreamstime, so maybe it works! If I can pin down some more evidence I will update the posting.

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