Full User Review of 123di Digital Photography Course

Back in April, I mentioned the 123di Digital Photography Course, and gave an overview, gleaned from their web site, of the course contents. It appeared to be a pretty comprehensive computer based training course, but I didn’t have the time, at that stage, to properly review the details. I’ve now spent many hours going through the course, and I’m now in a much better position to give my full review of the course and its content. But, where to start – the course has so much information!

Some practical comments first. The digital imaging course is only available from their website, and is downloaded and installed as a program on your computer – both Mac and PC versions are supported.

123di digital photography book

Opening screen

Once installed, it opens in its own window which provides access to the whole content via the Table of Contents, and the navigation controls. At any time, you can browse to a section of interest. There are two versions of the course – standard (the one I have) and the extended edition. The content is identical, but the extended version provides the ability to search, change the font, set bookmarks of interesting pages, add notes to the pages, and open on the last seen page. As the extended version is only $10 more, in retrospect I wish I had bought that version!

To avoid this becoming overwhelming, the course has a clever solution to complexity. On most of the screens you can select one of three levels: Starter, Essential and Advanced. The starter pages give you an overview of each topic, for instance, Color Management is covered in one page. Essential gives you a deeper layer of information, and Advanced takes you to the full details available. This lets you skip through areas to get a feel for the topic and drill down on subjects you want to investigate. Full use is made of links and references, so you don’t have to read from start to finish – you can follow your interests as you see fit.

As this review is going to be as comprehensive as the training course, I’ve created a permanent page for it. Click here to continue the review of the 123di Digital Imaging Course.

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