Getting Started in Stock Photography – 2020 Edition

After much effort, I have completed the updating of my eBook – Getting Started in Stock and published the 2020 edition. I’ve extended the title a little for this edition – adding the word Photography to avoid it getting mixed up with books about stocks and shares on Amazon!

Latest 2020 edition of Getting Started in Stock Photography now available for download
2020 Edition of the popular guide to Getting Started in Stock Photography

The book has been brought up to date and I’ve added my latest thinking throughout the book, including a new chapter on what to take and what to think about when you are considering which images to upload to the stock agencies.

The eBook covers the following topics:

Getting Started in Stock Photography book index

The book is available from my website via this page and you get a PDF and an ePub file in the download file. The bundle with Alex’s book is still available, although only my book has been updated in this bundle. Finally, it is also available as a Kindle eBook on Amazon via this link. As promised, I have sent a link for the latest files to those people who bought the book from my website after 1 October 2019. If you are one of those and you didn’t receive the email (check your spam folder!), please let me know and I’ll resend it to you.

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2 Responses

  1. Vlad Savin says:

    My congratulations!

I'm always interested in what you think - please let me know!