Jixipix Black Friday Sale

Regular readers will know that I enjoy producing digital paintings of certain images using a range of Jixipix apps that work with Photoshop or on their own as stand-alone applications. Some of them sell pretty well. It is a little difficult to track because Microstockr only searches in the title of the image and there isn’t really a common phrase I use for this sort of work. But this one of San Diego has sold around $80 on stock and much more on the print on demand sites:

San Diego created in Jixipix water color painting application
San Diego created in Jixipix water color painting application

I created one yesterday for an article I wrote on BackyardImage about photographing flowers and roses in particular.

That one was created in the Impressionistic oil app, Impresso. I also have Water Color, Pastello, Hand Tint and a strange puzzle one!

I rarely do affiliate links to products, and only do so when it is a product I use myself regularly and it is on sale at a very attractive price. I just noticed that Jixipix has a sale on this week. Here is the link to the Jixipix website and please use code BLK50 to get 50% off their normal price. This is the best price of the year in my experience, and I might have a look for something new myself!! If you are thinking of buying a new camera from Amazon, then please use this link. It goes to a Sony Camera, but I think registers your interest as a customer of mine if you buy something else!

So, if you enjoy creating your own “works of art”, give Jixipix a try!

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17 Responses

  1. Nice idea. How do you create them? You can track them by using a tag on the file name. That’s how I track my Drone images

  2. Thanks for the heads up! Topaz similarity has sales!

    • Steven Heap says:

      Yes, and ON1. I have both Topaz and ON1 but I don’t really think they are worth the extra above what you can do in Lightroom and Photoshop to be honest, so I don’t like to promote things I don’t use very much.

  3. Maria says:

    Very intriguing! Thanks for the tip on this! Just curious…on stock sites, would this be considered illustration? Happy Thanksgiving, Steve!

    • Steven Heap says:

      Good point! I think BigStock do reject and ask for it to be illustration. Although why they can’t just change it themselves is beyond me. I don’t recall issues with the others.

  4. Michalis says:

    I did submit a watercolor image to Shutter stock but was rejected due to “missing reference image”. It seems that they need like a model release. I try submiting as illustration (as suggested) but I had a similar rejection. Any suggestion Steven?

    • Steven Heap says:

      I do remember that now! For two of my images from China, I had to create a property release that I included the two original photos (they accepted the same property release for both watercolors) and I described the property as the “Original Photos used for digital painting”, signed it as the owner as well as photographer. Then I submitted that with the watercolor. It does seem to be a bit hit and miss perhaps depending on the reviewer?

      • PeterT says:

        Shutterstock is totally bonkers regarding watercolour renditions of photos. Years ago, I submitted a watercolour version of a street photo with hundreds people in it. The watercolour rendering software had made the whole scene very impressionistic and the people in the pic completely unrecognisable. Despite this, SS wanted model releases for all the people shown in the image and wouldn’t budge on that! Talk about literal-minded idiots!

  5. Tuan says:

    Hi Steve – do you also have Amazon link Black Friday deal to a microless camera that you recommended as back up option for full frame DSLR? I am looking for one with deep discount. Thanks

  6. Interesting article with examples of the software in use. I’ll take a closer look. Right now my post processing includes Photoshop Elements, DXO’s NIK Collecton, Topaz Studio2 and the Star Filter by ProDigital. It can’t hurt to add another technique or two to the quiver. Thank you.

I'm always interested in what you think - please let me know!