Jixipix has 50% off painting apps today

I enjoy adding painting effects to my images and sometimes upload them as stock. I tried to learn Corel Painter a few years back but that was too complex for me and so I’ve stuck with Jixipix which has water color, oil painting and also drawing tools that are very easy to use. I bought mine when they had a 40% sale, but today they have upped that to 50%. The coupon code to use is LUCKY50 with the link in the ad below.

I guess you may have some spare time on your hands and trying to create some new images and learn a few new techniques might be a good thing to do!

So far, my best seller has been this water color of San Diego which has earned $40 on the stock sites plus about $60 on various products via my Society6 store. More than enough to pay for my initial investment!

Water color rendition of the skyline of San Diego created using the Jixipix painting apps on sale today
Jixipix water color of San Diego

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5 Responses

  1. Hummersallad says:

    Inspired by your great looking digital paintings I bought Pastello and Impresso recently at a 40% discount. Have since tested lots and lots of presets on many types of images with depressing results. Nowhere near your examples. My images look like I have used a $0.99 phone app. I can’t imagine that anyone would pay for images like that! I’m sure there is nothing wrong with the applications, the problem seems to be to find suitable images and prepare them wisely. I even tried using Flood2 to create good reflections. So I gave up. Maybe I should give it another try…

    • Steven Heap says:

      I’m sorry to hear that! I use it from within LR normally and choose “edit in..” I then click among the various presets and usually try removing some of the layers to see what effect I get. I don’t change the presets very much normally. I do it on the full size image. Are the colors all wrong or you don’t like the result? I did find that fading the effect in the most important part of the image sometimes works nicely as well.

  2. Hummersallad says:

    Don’t be sorry! It’s all my fault. Initially I was just a bit lazy and expected 1-click miracles! However, I just remember that after the initial disappointment I did spend a lot of time of isolating a bird using a super detailed layer mask in Photoshop. Unfortunately it wasn’t possible to apply Pastello or Impresso to a layer with a layer mask so I got upset and contacted JixiPix support but I never got a reply. After that incident I simply forgot about JixiPix and their non-existent support.
    Of course I could have fixed the problem in a number of ways but I think they could have mentioned something about this. Like suggesting a good workflow when using their products as plugins in Photoshop. So thanks for writing about JixiPix again. Now I simply must try again!

  3. Jeff Ross says:


    Thank you for this. I am curious about the category you use to put your watercolor version of a photo in to Society6; is it painting? What categories do you use for the other stock sites since it isn’t a photograph. Also…which stock sites would not accept it? Thanks!

    • Steven Heap says:

      Hi Jeff. I put them in as photographs although I don’t suppose anyone checks on Society6. I’m not sure how people search on that site – perhaps by subject rather than type? For the stock sites, I normally put photograph because it isn’t what someone would expect from an illustration. Occasionally I might get a rejection and suggestion that it should be an illustration – if I think it is worth the time, I might resubmit and do that. I also sometimes get a request for a property release on the original photo – I have supplied that from time to time! I generally submit to all sites that take photos – apart from SS and AS, I don’t really bother to track who rejects it.

I'm always interested in what you think - please let me know!