Luminar 4 on sale for the holidays

I wrote about Luminar 4 and its AI driven sky replacement capability a couple of weeks or so ago and have been playing around with it from time to time in between other tasks! I am thinking of applying to Archangel book images (I will write about that if/when I get accepted) and wanted some moody images to go with their general house style. Not sure these are “winners” yet, but the ability to quickly change the sky alters the mood considerably:

Example of Luminar 4 sky replacement
Luminar 4 sky replacement. The original sky was just a simple plain blue sky
Luminar 4 AI driven sky replacement
Sky replacement with Luminar 4 – plain blue sky previously

The second of these would have been quite easy to replace in Photoshop, the first one would have been trickier with the trees and other things on the horizon. I really like the one click approach and the ability to choose their included skies or my own. I’m not saying these are great pictures yet – need to be moodier – but you get the idea!

My reason for writing this today is to let you know that Skylum has a holiday sale on the Luminar 4 program. $10 off until January 15. If you are interested, here is my affiliate link!

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1 Response

  1. Are you ready to embrace the dark side to upload to Arcangel? Once you head down that path there is no turning back… 😀

I'm always interested in what you think - please let me know!