Major Threshold Passed

I first started uploading to Shutterstock in early 2008 and this weekend I passed a big milestone:

Finally hit the 100,000 downloads milestone on Shutterstock microstock agency
A Major Milestone passed this weekend

Things have not always been a smooth on Shutterstock with some down years, but adding video to my portfolio has certainly helped maintain some consistency on downloads. Perhaps I will hit the 200,000 download threshold in less than 10 years from now!

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15 Responses

  1. loslos1 says:

    Congrats Steve, the numbers are impressive indeed.

  2. Vicky says:

    Wow, that’s amazing! Congratulations, Steve!

  3. Vlad Savin says:

    My congratulations! This is a great result.

  4. That’s a great milestone! Congratulations and thanks for sharing.

  5. I’m always impressed with your stats. I started in ’06 and I’ve only had 64k downloads.

    p.s. How did you get that view? All I’ve ever seen is the monthly summaries.

  6. Never mind. doh! Right there on the front page.

  7. MissAngee says:

    Alright 😀

  8. Ajay says:

    Good achievements, keep it up steve.

  9. Jonas Rönnbro says:

    Congrats. It´s always fun to read your text´s. I´m a beginner from Sweden with 138 sales on Shutterstock so far. I also have a question to you, my guru in stockphoto. What happens if a stockphoto contributor dies? Who gets the money of sales after death? Maby not fun to talk about, but im curious.

    • Steven Heap says:

      Interesting question – especially when you get to my age. I haven’t fully researched it, but I think you would include a statement in your will that your copyright and accounts will be transferred to your estate and to your heirs. With that transfer, the images will legally belong to your estate and your heirs and they would approach the agencies to ask for the accounts to be transferred to a new name. I’ve not seen anyone mention that they have done that, but that is my guess!

  10. Nils says:

    What a great achievement. Congratulations Steve.

  11. Roger A Cox says:

    Wow, congratulations Steve! Certainly a noteworthy accomplished. Thank you for always sharing with us mere mortals.

I'm always interested in what you think - please let me know!