Microstockr Pro now handles Alamy sales

One of the issues with Alamy is that while you can look at a page of sales with small thumbnails, it is hard to understand how much you actually earned as it shows the gross sales price. I’ve become a keen user of Microstockr Pro over the past 6 months – to be honest, I didn’t think I would as I’ve never been one to pore over the sales, but I actually have found it pretty instructive to see when new images have sold, and to use the “best seller” page which combines sales of an image across all sites to let me understand what my best selling images actually are. Now the developers of the App have gone one step better by including Alamy sales into their application:

Alamy Sales now in Microstockr Pro

This is the first time that I have been able to see at a glance what has sold on Alamy, and to see the actual net income from the sale. What was immediately interesting was that a simple and boring picture of a watch has sold so often. That gives me some ideas for other shots that might sell OK on Alamy! It also shows what a mix of images has actually sold on Alamy as well. I’m not sure I can detect much of a trend, but it will be interesting to watch this (slowly) grow as new sales come along.

Microstockr Pro is free for the PC version while it is in Beta. Try it out!


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10 Responses

  1. Matthew says:

    Do you have a review or break down of Alamy? I don’t believe it was mentioned in your ebook.

    • admin says:

      I did have a chapter in my book about alamy, but have written quite a few blog posts as well, recently. Was there something specific you wanted to know?

  2. Matthew says:

    Look at that, there it is. I do have a few questions.
    Have they improved their key wording system yet and they seem to have an editorial aspect, how does that work?

    • admin says:

      Yes, and yes. I’ve written a bit about it in an article about stock submitter. I perhaps will write something more although not for a few weeks. It is quite explanatory on the site.

  3. K Nguyen says:

    Hi Steve,

    Maybe it’s a bit off-topic since my question is about iStockphoto earning tracking in Microstockr Pro, hope that you can help me to address this concern.

    I am an iStockphoto contributor for a while but only active uploading for this site starting from October. I now have about 680 photos in my portfolio and some views & interactions at ESP > Performance tab but the earning at Microstockr Pro shows zero. The same result when I went to ESP Downloads tab and they only Statement available is for September.

    One of the microstock fellow told me iStock has removed the earning & statistics report out of their website but he mentioned Microstockr Pro can do the job. In my case both ESP and Microstockr Pro show zero download. It could be my portfolio is poor discovery since I only active working on this site from early this month, but I did the same thing on other site and have 4 sales with even less photo than iStockphoto.

    Could you please help to share your though on this issue?

    Thank you,
    K Nguyen

    • admin says:

      I’m not sure I fully understand. Did you say that you only started to get sales in October 2017? Istock and ESP only report sales in September at the moment and that is what Microstockr Pro will show. The October sales will be displayed around 20 November.


  4. K Nguyen says:

    Yes, my question is when I able to see the Download stats for October and it sounds like Nov 20 is the date. Thank you Steve.

  5. lorenzo says:

    ‘re you selling RF or RM on Alamy?
    I know you can’t sell the same image RM on Alamy and Rf on micro sites, right?
    Are your sold travel Alamy images published as RF then?

  1. January 12, 2018

    […] written about Microstockr Pro before, but it is always difficult to justify spending money on applications for microstock. It […]

  2. January 31, 2018

    […] higher priced Alamy license in exchange for potentially sub $1 income from the micro site. I did a detailed analysis last year which didn’t find any evidence that they do that, but I saw a couple of “zooms” on Alamy this month that could have […]

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