My workflow for Video stock
I received a question in the Ask Steve a Question post about my workflow for video. I’m not sure if I have ever written about this, so here we go. First, the question:
I know you dealing with both photography and Videos …and you mentioned that you use Ligthroom as your main program for photos – viewing and sorting ect – my question is how do you treat video ?? I mean do also use LR for viewing video ??? but then how do selected the videos and transfer to Premiere for further editing ??? you selected in LR and then recompressed by exporting to Premiere ?? you see I am little bit confused with this part of your process …because I used to download my mem card to a Hard drive …both photos and videos and then view them using LR – both photos and video , but the problem was that I had to edit the videos in Premiere and LR all it can do is another huge copy of the original video once it was selected in do you select and transfer the videos for further editing to Premiere ???.
I guess another way could be to divide the download of the mem card in two folders photos in one for LR and Videos in another for Premiere Media Browser …not doing that at the moment .
I hope this makes some sense to you Steve….in any case thanks for your time and information in your site which I am finding , as a newbie , very useful indeed …….cheeeerrrrsss….

I almost always film in 4K these days and use 25fps with a 1/50th second shutter speed. Often that means that I need to have some sort of filter on either my camera or the drone to be able to keep the exposure within normal limits. I’ve also started using the Log profile on both my camera and drone – this is a profile that flattens out the contrast and saturation in the video and allows you to capture more dynamic range than if the output was a normal bright contrasty video. It doesn’t look good and needs processing before you can really use it, but it does give you a lot more control. So the end result of all this are some video files on an SD card (often with stills as well).
My process is to first import the images (only) into Lightroom. You can see the movie files when you go through the import process and I deselect those. So I then have my raw image files in Lightroom and stored in the appropriate month folder on my hard drive. I work on those as normal as described in my other workflow descriptions.
I then open a file explorer on my PC and navigate to the clips folder of the SD card and copy just the mp4 files onto a different drive. Why a different one? My photos are already filling most hard drives I buy and videos are pretty big. However, I don’t bother with months and years in this folder structure – I don’t have enough video files to make that worthwhile. Instead, I describe what the shoot was about and have a folder for that. This might just be a Sony thing, but the file names for videos reset to 001 when you put a new card in the camera, so I do need to maintain subfolders for each card I used in Portugal, for instance. However you do it, the idea is to get them stored on a hard drive.
I use a file manager called xplorer2 and you can preview images and videos right in the file manager itself. So I then watch each video in turn and make a note of which ones I think are worth processing. Some might be too short, out of focus or over-exposed and I will generally delete those. With my list of files to process, I slowly work through them by importing into Premiere (the CC package). Incidentally, I found with my PC that if I have more than 2 or 3 4K files in Premiere at the time (with their thumbnails showing in the App), it slows right down and sometimes the windows freeze even though your action is taking effect. So I generally import one file, work on it, export it and clear it from the App before bringing the next one in.
In Premiere, I’ve got to grips with the Lumetri color editing system. This is quite a lot like the sliders in Lightroom. Whites and Blacks bring back some of the contrast that was missing. Shadows opens up some of the darker areas and I use Curves to add more contrast. Finally some saturation brings back the colors that I was looking for.
Here is a before and after of a still from the video as it comes out of the drone and one that has been adjusted in Premiere:
Depending on whether there is camera movement (usually from handholding my Sony), I apply that Warp Stabilizer tool that does a great job of smoothing out, or even removing camera movement.
I crop the video to somewhere between 10 seconds and 25 seconds or so depending on the subject and then prepare to export. I use the following settings for export:
This does create pretty big files – generally around 1GB or so. However, I think the ProRes codec is a preferred one for people who are going to edit the video into their own production and as I use StockSubmitter to upload my videos just once to the Microstock Plus site before he onward uploads them to the agencies (Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, Pond5, iStock), I don’t really bother too much about that. I use StockSubmitter to add the descriptions and keywords before they are uploaded.
That is it – nothing very complicated, but it works for me. If there are questions, please make use of the comments below.
Hiya Steve :
Thank you very much ..!!! for such detailed explanation …!!! awesome…!!! .
Such a shame that Lighroom can not handle 4K video in the export module..!!! .
My workflow differs substantially from yours , and am always trying to improve it .
So , again , one big thanks for sharing .
I’ll have to try the one or so file at a time in Pr. I usually import the whole shoot or two and use proxies
Yes, I really struggled with the freezing of windows and sliders in my version of Premiere, but this seems to have fixed it for me.
Thanks for the detailed explanations.
I also have issues with premiere as I import sometimes 20 or 30 clips into the timeline. But I get a lot of crashes!
I have a question about istock.
I’m not exclusive and I submit to shutterstock, adobe and other main agencies.
At the moment I’m just uploading images to istock. I have 15K images with them and my earnings are under 20$ per month, very ver low compared to the other agencies.
So I’m skeptic about uploading footage to them, I would like to know your experience with istock (photo and video).
I’m thinkong about making a subscription with stocksubmitter, so I could use it to upload to all the agencies, istock included.
But I don’t like them very much and before submitting to them I’m asking for a suggestion to you.
I’ve just rebuilt a new computer and I still get crashes with Premiere, although it is much better at playing the videos now with the new hardware! I do submit to iStock with my videos (they don’t take editorial ones) but sales are not great. They do go up and down a bit, but you need to get used to $0.03 video sales, which is ridiculous. I just looked at 2020 with iStock – video sales were $58.99 for 37 downloads! 2019 was better with $569 for 96 downloads, so either the first months of this year aren’t representative of what we might see, or they have just gone down to the bottom of the pile in terms of what they sell these videos for. I’ve continued to upload (mainly because it is a no hassle step with Stock Submitter) but I might revisit that later this year. So if I was starting now and seeing the results I’m seeing, I would say that they are probably not worthwhile!
Did you find any advantage in creating Prores422 files? I tried but they are about 5/6 times bigger than H.264.
I also tried to use log profile on my Phantom 4 but I’m not able to improve the file to get a good and brilliant look. Do you use special LUTs?
I also have a question about xplorer2. Could it be used like bridge to rapidly see image thumbnails?
I’ve stopped doing them now – I thought it was overkill with my drone videos and so I started doing 2 pass H264 videos at 100mbps rate. Those seem to be fine with the agencies. Almost all are accepted by Adobe and I do get occasional rejections from SS for noise or some other reason, but I tend to ignore them or maybe submit the same file later and it gets through. You are right about the size – makes a big difference. I am OK now with Log files. I first make sure the exposure and basic settings look right in the basic setting in Premiere and I bought 3 LUTs from The Film Poets – supposed to be customized for my drone and they generally work fine. I sometimes reduce their opacity a bit if they overdo things. And on xplorer2 – yes, you can preview images in a side panel as well as look at them as thumbnails. It also works for videos so I can quickly preview what a drone video looks like without opening it. I use this all the time instead of the normal windows tools
You said you use the 2-pass when generating the final H.264.
I used the 2-pass but it is a lot time consuming, so I returned to single pass. Do you think there’s a difference between the two?
You are also using 25fps. I’m using 30FPS, do you think it could make any difference?
Mine is much faster at encoding now that I have my new PC! Maybe 2 minutes for a typical 15 second video. However, you made me think about this. I have this 2 pass set for 100mbps average and 100mbps peak. What 2 pass does is look through the video on the first pass to see which frames would benefit from a higher bit rate and which are not changing much and so could be compressed more. Then on the second pass it uses this intelligence to get the best quality within your bit rate parameters. By setting both of mine at the same value, I’m not sure 2 pass does anything! I could probably reduce average to 80mbps and peak to 120 or so and get a smaller file with the same quality I think. Or just use one pass at 100. I’ve asked a friend of mine who works in TV if my logic is right. As for the frame rate, a slower rate means fewer frames to encode and so my 25fps would take less time than your 30fps. Maybe 20% faster because of the lower number of frames in the clip.
Thanks. I also bought a new pc with rtx 2080 super, just to be sure it is future proof! However, it does not seem to use the video card too muche, do you have special settings to use the GPU with premiere or other adobe software?
It is worth reading the website for Puget systems – they test a lot of equipment against the main Adobe software and explain what makes the biggest difference in processing speed. I think I just have the default settings in Premiere at the moment. I’ve been planning to research for best advice to set up the preferences in Premiere and also Photoshop. If you find one, please let me know!
I user their site to buy my new pc, but I did not find any particular suggestion about parameters to set in premiere! I know that davinci uses a lot the gpu, while premiere a lot less
Great – did you go to Puget after you read about it on my site? It would be nice to know! I thought their site was very useful for the background about what activities used the graphics card, but I do need to do a proper search for how to set up Premiere properly. I’ll let you know if I find one.
I already knew Puget but your post gave me the chance to get back on their great site. Another site that I used to build my PC is pcpartpicker!