A new record for a single sale on Shutterstock

Maybe not the highest I have ever got for a single sale, but certainly the highest in a long, long time. I saw that this image of Morgantown in West Virginia has just sold for $105:

It just goes to show that images of your own town (especially if they are quite nicely shot in good weather) can sell. In this case I think it might be because Morgantown has a big university (WVU) and it might be used for that, or perhaps a calendar? Who knows – I’m just glad they bought it!

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6 Responses

  1. AlessandraRC says:

    I don’t think I really understand what a single and others sale is. I usually get .25 for them, once 90.00 U$.

    • admin says:

      I’m not 100% sure but I think some large corporations have accounts with SS where they get more support or special terms or something like that, and the single sales come from that. I know that people who just have small packages of 5 images, say, buy from the “On-demand” prices.

  2. Kevin Hellon says:

    Congratulations. I have never had a sale approaching that figure on SS. That is higher than most Alamy sales these days.


  3. Steve Boyko says:

    Fantastic! I think my highest SS sale was about $60.

  4. Congratulations! Glad to see there’s money being made “and” that your work is being recognized! 🙂

  1. December 1, 2017

    […] There were two video sales for a total of $40 so the bulk of this was from images. Of course, the $105 single sale made a big difference, but I also had two $75 single sales as well in the month. Overall, I had a […]

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