New sale on Fine Art America

Hooray – a sale on FineArtAmerica! Back in December I decided to reduce my pricing on FAA and explained the logic at that time (it was based on the average pricing of people who had had sales recently). Nothing happened immediately, but I did get a sale this week:

24 x 20 framed print sold on Fine Art America

This sold as a framed and matted 24 x 20 inch print, and my profit was $63 under the new pricing. Still worthwhile, but I’m hoping the sales will come a bit more frequently!

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5 Responses

  1. Steve Boyko says:


  2. Chris says:

    Great, wish you more sales. I just set up my website with the old prices you had. What prices do you use now ? Did you blog that somewhere, maybe i missed it

  3. Chris Willlemsen says:

    Found it already in you older post

  4. Alessandra says:


  1. March 16, 2016

    […] It sold as a gallery wrapped canvas print and profit on this was $77. Nice to see, and I hope this is just the second of many. I reported my first sale this year via FAA here. […]

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