NMAAHC – always be ready with your camera

I spent the weekend at the Nature Visions annual photography expo held in Northern Virginia. It is held each November and attracts some of the best speakers in the industry – Bob Krist was great and Julieanne Kost from Adobe is one of the best speakers on Lightroom and Photoshop that I have come across! If you are able to attend one of these Expo’s, it will be worth your while. However, that is not my main reason for writing. Always have your camera and always take advantage of what you can visit!

Reflection of Washington Monument

The Friday session finished at 4pm, and so I drove into DC (about an hour away) as I hadn’t got any images of the new National Museum of African American History and Culture (the abbreviation in the heading!) and as soon as we drove past it trying to find somewhere to park, I noticed the reflections in the glass panels. Everything was perfect for the shot – blue dusk sky, some color from the sunset and the illuminated Washington Monument. It just goes to show that every trip you make has opportunities!

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4 Responses

  1. Anna says:

    Wow, great image! Is this than for editorial use? Or do you need a property release? I am still a bit confused about the releases for buildings…

    Kind regards,

  2. admin says:

    Interesting question, Anna. Modern distinctive buildings are always a potential issue and this isn’t actually a Federal building – it is part of the Smithsonian. I checked their site, but nothing said there, and so I checked Shutterstock for other images – all images were editorial (and a bit boring in my view!). Adobe Stock, which doesn’t take editorial, had none. With those two benchmarks, I decided to submit as editorial and SS accepted all my images this morning.

  3. Anna says:

    Thank you for a useful link Steve!
    I thought that whenever any recognisable building is involved it automatically becomes Editorial… have to learn more about it.

    Really like your image, it’s beautiful! Love the reflection.

    Kind regards

I'm always interested in what you think - please let me know!