One of the good days

Today is one of those days that only comes round very rarely. Once in a blue moon as my parents used to say. Total sales for the day are a cool $200. Why? Three very nice sizeable sales!

First Shutterstock with a pretty boring shot I took in the English Lake District on a cloudy day for $69.81:

Hardly a fine art print, I’m afraid! But then Alamy came in with a sale at $89 gross which netted me $44.50


Now I think that is quite nicely taken with a wooden US flag in the background and my slate cheese board for the foreground. Those 20 year old empty bottles of Oxycodone that I think I got from the dentist have been pretty profitable for me. The tablets – who knows? Aspirin I think!

And now I just checked the days results on Microstockr Pro to see what has sold and I see another single sale for $22.90:

Now I do like this one – taken last spring at Lake Tahoe in California. I wrote about finding this spot in an earlier post about how to get the best shots on a vacation – proved I was right!

There is no doubt that there is a lot of luck and variability in the stock game – especially with the higher value licenses, but if you don’t have the images there, you will never sell them! Good luck with your own images!

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7 Responses

  1. Rob skovell says:

    There must be something in the atmosphere as I had a great sale on alamy for $138 of a grab shot I managed while shooting for a government digital magazine. This was an image of a properly dressed factory worker cutting up metal parts in a booth. Sparks flying everywhere. The down side is that I have to wait 4 months for payment.

  2. Vlad Savin says:

    Very good day for you. My regards.

  3. Wow, what a day!! May many more of those come for you!
    Love the last picture btw!!!

  4. AlessandraRC says:

    Lucky man! I also had a 100.00 US sale on Alamy- Brazilian cheese bread with coffee that made me happy!

  1. May 1, 2018

    […] the highlights? Well, some really nice big single sales on Shutterstock. I talked about one of the good days early in the month when I had combined sales of $200, but then I had two other days in the month where I almost hit that total. One was due to two sales […]

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