Backyard Silver Latest Posts

Rock Climbing in Colorado

Well, to be more accurate, taking photographs of rock climbers in Colorado… I spent the past week in the mountains of Colorado near Buena Vista both taking in the sights and getting some climbing images (with model releases) for my stock portfolio. I was also trying out my new Canon 16-35mm F4 L lens – the one with image stabilization. I have to put my earnings to something, and I was really impressed with the reviews of this lens and...

Update on the Gold”n”Blue filter

A few months back I wrote about my experience with the Singh-Ray Gold’n’Blue polarizing filter. Some people rightly made the point that it was expensive and the use of filters in Photoshop (or plugins) could do the same. I’m not so sure and recently used it in my trip to Tampa and surrounding area. On the boiling hot and humid day that is a Florida summer, I tend to minimize the equipment I carry and so I put my new...

Earnings in July 2014

Another update in my regular series. Total income for the month was $2217, which is about $200 higher than last month, but, on the downside it is pretty similar to what I earned 12 months ago on a smaller portfolio! That isn’t a great sign for me. As usual, Shutterstock easily overwhelmed all other sites with about 45% of total earnings. iStock was next with $235 and finally I am out of the 6 month “recoupment” program where they were...

Image Brief – get real money for your images

I’ve been working with Image Brief for about a year now. It is basically an online image request service – a buyer with a specific need in mind posts their requirement and budget and photographers get to upload up to 10 images that meet that brief. I’ve been awarded one brief to date (and got $220 for it) – an image of the Acropolis in Greece that has ended up (I think) in a travel magazine. One key thing to...

Interesting Tampa places for photos

My previous post covered the first two days of my recent trip to Tampa and how I approached it as a stock photographer. This post expands on the opportunities around Tampa if you are there for some other purpose (as I was) but have a bit of free time. I was still searching for a good sunset, and so on the Tuesday evening after dinner I decided to try the city again, so back in the car and down to...

A Stock Photographer’s Guide to Tampa Florida

I had an opportunity to visit Tampa last weekend because of a business trip to the area, and so decided to travel early and spend a couple of days shooting the sights (and sites) to extend my portfolio. This long post (which I might break into two) is intended to give a photographer’s view of the area and the best places I found to take iconic photos of this area. I must first give a word of thanks to Andrew...

Backyard Stock Photos for well priced excellent photography

Adventures with my own stock agency site

As I’ve mentioned before, I set up a Symbiostock based stock photo site about 12 months ago. I’m steadily adding my backlog of images to the site – although I have focused on adding all new ones, and then the older portfolio images as I get time. My approach these days is to put any image that has un-released people or objects on Alamy, Corbis, Zoonar (under the RM license) and on my own site, BackyardStockPhotos. Images that I think...

Can you take stock photos on a cruise?

Back last November and December, my wife and I flew to Sydney to join a cruise ship (with Celebrity cruises) down the east coast of Australia, across to the South Island of New Zealand and around the southern tip and back up the east coast of NZ to end in Auckland. It was a wedding anniversary trip and really enjoyable (I would truly recommend Celebrity for a cruise like this), but I had questions in my mind about whether the...

Sales in June 2014

I’m going to get back to posting more regularly on my blog – I know I have been a bit slow of late. I’ve been working hard on rewriting my book – now at 3rd Edition, and also working more in my day job which pays better than stock photography! Anyway, back to some information on how sales have been going. Unfortunately, June 2014 was not great – I ended up with just over $2000, with no particularly good results...