Photographs in the Smoky Mountains

After a quick weekend visit to the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee, I have put my best images in and around the Smokies online on my Fine Art site.

Early March is not usually considered to be the best time of year to visit the Smoky Mountains, as the trees are bare and the spring flowers haven’t yet come out of the ground! However, we were lucky on two counts – there was snow the evening we arrived which gave some great images of snow covered fir trees and mountain tops, and the waterfalls were in full flow because of all the heavy rain. I also managed to force myself out of bed (the morning before the clocks moved forward) to get some great sunrise shots from the Foothills Parkway to the west of the park. Here are a couple of images – the sunrise, and a photo from the Place of a thousand drips, which can be exactly as its name suggests, but on this visit was full of small and interesting waterfalls cascading down the rocks. Timing is everything in photography and sometimes you can be lucky!

Ridge lines of the Smoky Mountains

Sunrise over the Smokies

Thousand Drips Waterfalls in Smoky Mountains

Place of a 1000 Drips

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