Premium content now available to all

Earlier in the year I closed down my premium membership mainly because I was struggling to come up with new idea for stock imagery. I had created over 50 or so different posts over the two years and those contained as many ideas as I could dream up!

I’ve decided to make those posts available to all readers now – some of the ideas are obviously old now, but perhaps there are still some gems in there! So, if you want to see what ideas I was working on, you can find all the premium posts here. I hope you find them useful.

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8 Responses

  1. Steppeland says:

    Thanks a lot for opening up your premium content, Steve, I certainly will have a look what you cooked up in the course of these few years! Your hints and tips often have inspired me!

  2. noel bennett says:

    Thank you

  3. Veronica Todaro says:

    So appreciated. I have been inspired by your posts and keep plugging away. And even though the general concensus seems to be that not much can be achieved financially in this industry, I am always thrilled to find my sales and $s are trending up. And I keep pushing to both become a better photographer, and better stock photographer. Nothing better (other than family – ha!), than slinging a camera over the shoulder and venturing into the world, and then getting some money for it. (given I started with a treasured kodak in the 1970s as a young kid, the money is just now starting to come in, in part, thanks to yourself!)

    • Steven Heap says:

      Thanks Veronica! I’m so glad that my thoughts have helped you both enjoy your photography and make a little money from it! I still enjoy taking photos although keywording them doesn’t get easier with time. I’m struggling now to describe all the images I have taken in Vermont of the fall colors. But taking them was great!

  4. Uli says:

    Thank you very much, Steve. These posts are really useful.

  5. Thank you for this opportunity. Your articles are always a source of information and ideas

I'm always interested in what you think - please let me know!