Pseudo HDR Images in Lightroom – 32 bit TIFF files

Lightroom 4 introduced a new (and not well publicized) feature – the ability to edit 32 bit images using the sliders and tools we know so well! So what, you may say!

However, a 32 bit image, created by combining the exposure values from a number of shots taken at different exposure levels, contains an enormous amount of information about the dynamic range of the scene, and we can bring out hidden details in the shadows and reduce over-exposed highlights without introducing any unwanted image artifacts. I wrote a how-to article about how to combine 3 or 5 exposure images using the HDR function in Photoshop and import back into Lightroom as a 32 bit TIFF file for editing. No fancy HDR tricks, no bright edges around the subject – just a nicely exposed image with no noise in the shadows!

The final image after 32 bit editing:

Example of 32 bit editing in Lightroom to give enhanced dynamic range

Example image of enhanced dynamic range

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1 Response

  1. August 29, 2013

    […] white balance corrections I then set about processing all my exposures. I’m a fan of the 32bit TIFF approach that I wrote about in a post last year – you export the 5 exposures from Lightroom to Photoshop using “Merge to HDR Pro”. […]

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