Random things!

I’ve been a bit indisposed of late and hence not my normal productive self. After two vaccinations and finally a booster shot about 10 days ago, I finally caught the virus. I wish I could have thought of some smart stock photo ideas of that event, but nothing came to me. My wife was first (and we are not at all sure where it came from as we are both mask wearers in public areas) and was quite ill for several days at home and then I got the telltale coughs and went for a test – positive!

That was last Tuesday and after various sort of symptoms – coughs, head colds, fever, shivers and shakes and now a clammy feeling without a fever – I think I am through the worst and well on the mend. My wife had a monoclonal infusion because of some risk factors and she is now pretty much recovered. So we are quarantineed at home but through the worst. By now our antibodies must be supercharged!

Just before all this happened I noticed a comment on one of my previous posts that Freepik.com was an interesting site as they have free images and illustrations, but also a premium section. The comment went on to say:

 I’ve uploaded five days ago 12 photos and sold 2,35 euros already. In shutter I have 195 photos and sold $ 0,30 in six months 

So last weekend I thought – why not? You have to upload 20 of your images as a test as well as provide links to other agencies where you have images. No problem, I thought. I used Microstockr Pro to look at my best sellers this year and picked 20 of those, exported files from the originals and uploaded them. Then, a few days later:

Summary of my submission to Freepik
Results of my trial submission to Freepik!

Twenty failed images! These are images that have probably earned $15K in the past few years and have never been rejected anywhere as far as I know. The reasons are Quality standards, composition and inadequate lighting. Talk about being set back on my heels!

I did write to their support saying that I honestly didn’t know how to approach a second submission (you are allowed two) but all I got back was the stock – we can’t provide comments on submissions. So that is the end of that adventure!

It really shows just how volatile this business has become. I fully appreciate it is their agency and they make the rules, but really?

I’m not giving up yet (on stock photography, not this agency!), but it certainly is becoming a harder prospect as the months go on.

This month is not looking too bad so far. I’ve had a few good value sales – including this one for $28 on Shutterstock:

Stock photo of a Halloween image of a skeleton
Halloween image sold for $28 on Shutterstock

This was taken at my neighbors house a couple of years back, but I removed the airconditioner and parts of his garden that were actually in the background to put a new background taken in an old Italian garden from what I recall. Easy to do, has earned $93 or so. So here is a tip – create some halloween images! There are only 2.5M competing ones on SS! Seriously though, I hope you are all keeping well and making at least something from this business!

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16 Responses

  1. elovkoff says:

    Speedy recovery Steve, glad to hear you are past the worst part.
    As top freepik – they rejected my first batch a year or so ago and since then I didn’t feel like giving them another try.
    Get well soon!

  2. Jeff Ross says:

    Steve, sorry to hear about your family’s issues with COVID. I am sending my best wishes for a full recovery and much better times ahead!

    PS – I have had similar results with my images, i.e. being accepted at several sites and then all of a sudden not accepted by one. Sometimes I think one of the reviewers was just having a bad day OR needed a cup of coffee! (LOL)

  3. Maybelleanne says:

    You’ve been so careful — getting vaccinated, wearing masks — and yet you and your wife got the virus.
    You had the smarts to get tested right away. (I have a friend who lost his wife because she had the telltale signs, didn’t want to get tested or go to a doctor.)
    My thoughts are with you for a speedy recovery!

    • Steven Heap says:

      Yes, we were (and are) careful, but it is what it is! I’m really sorry to hear about your friend – shows just how dangerous this thing can be!

  4. Artur Nyk says:

    Speedy recovery Steve ;)))

  5. Alex and Xavier says:

    Sorry to hear about your health issues, wish you and your family the best ! And thanks for the post !
    Your subscribers from Malaga 🙂

  6. Loren says:

    Not so good news! I hope you both fully recover soon and you’re back in the game!

    • Steven Heap says:

      Thanks! And I do need to get out and about soon – the leaves are changing color here and it is pretty nice for autumn scenes!

  7. I am sorry for the situation that you and your wife have with the covid. I hope you recover soon!
    About the freepik agency, I sent them a proposal twice, the first with images that worked well in other agencies. Rejection. The second time with images selected according to various forums and opinions of Spanish colleagues. Rejection. I have not worried again. Also, many of my photographer friends who were accepted stopped contributing photos due to drops in downloads after the first few ones.
    Take care!

    • Steven Heap says:

      Thanks! Interesting about how many people are commenting they tried and failed to get into this agency and also that sales are not what they were perhaps seen to be!

  8. Alessandra says:

    Steve, Covid now seems a matter of when, not if. The efficacy of these measures to contain it have failed in the reality of a more contagious variant. It’s like chicken pox what I was a child. Everyone had it. Let’s all remember that masking is to decrease the viral load on others, having minimal effect in the wearer, unless it’s a n95. I see people feeling safe with a surgical mask on and feel sorry. Mass rejections happen once in a great while with mist agencies. As someone else pointed out, a reviewer having a bad day maybe? Speedy recovery for you and your wife!

    • Steven Heap says:

      Thanks! I’m not going to obsess over that agency (or resubmit). Hardly going to make any difference to my life so why bother. We do use N95 masks which makes it just a little more annoying to actually get the virus, but in principle, I agree with you. Now to get those flu shots!

I'm always interested in what you think - please let me know!