Record Earnings in November 2012

November is usually a pretty good month, but this year, it turned out to be a great one. I was excited in October to finally break through the $2000 barrier and now in November I easily exceeded that to end the month with $2216 in earnings – more than 10% more. My growth chart is looking pretty good at the moment:

Growth in stock photography earnings November 2012

Growth in stock photo earnings

The great earners this month were Shutterstock (of course) with a BME of $970 – around $150 more than the previous best. It is interesting to recall that in January this year I earned $407 from Shutterstock – doubled earnings in less than 10 months. The early $70 sale of a single download certainly helped, and four enhanced downloads during the month added to that, but basically the site just sold well each day. My stock images of the English Lake District seem to be going pretty well (which is not always the case for landscapes on Shutterstock)

iStock was great this month as well (after a good September and October. It didn’t quite reach BME (although the partner program downloads may just push it there, but at $342, it was certainly acceptable.

Alamy came good this month with three downloads which netted a total of $235. It is always good to see a high priced download, but it would be hard just to rely on that site – it is very variable from month to month.

Then 123RF was a solid earner with $156, Dreamstime at $112 and Fotolia at $105. Fotolia is continuing its usual rejection of all my travel shots – accepting 6 out of about 90 images – even though the ones they accept do sell OK. Still, no worrying about things that are not going to change!

My graph of earnings per site follows – along with the total earned by the sites this year:

Earnings from stock photos and sales of digital images online via microstock agencies in November 2012

Earnings per site

Earnings from stock photos and sales of digital images online via microstock agencies in November 2012

2012 earnings per site

I kept submitting regularly this month – adding my images from the Cotswolds in England and also from a trip to St Martin in the Caribbean. I have some more trips planned and so December will continue that trajectory. I try to always add the 24 images I am allowed to upload on iStock each week – the straight line in the graph below shows that progress.

Files per microstock site

Files per site

Growth in stock photos online in 2012

Growth in files

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