Sale of Rights to an image – Dreamstime

In the early days (well at least a couple of years ago!), one of the default settings on Dreamstime was that you would offer to sell the rights for your image at a predefined price of $250, of which you would get $125. As this was the default, I left it like that for many of my early images. The site has changed now, and you need to specifically select this option – which I don’t. I was advised yesterday that one of my pictures had sold under this scheme, and that I needed to remove the image from all other stock sites, exhibitions or personal web sites. Of course, any images that have been sold to date, cannot be reclaimed, but no more must be sold from now on. The image was not great, but obviously fitted in with someone’s concept and they don’t want to see additional uses of it – hence the full purchase of the rights. The picture was only on seven sites and had earned $27 since mid 2008, and so, in this case, a $125 sale was well worth while, but it does make me think that this amount is too low for my better selling images and I need to see if I can edit them on Dreamstime to increase the cost to $1000, say. Here is a similar image to the one that sold (and not similar enough to break my agreement!!)

Bengal kitten image similar to one sold via Dreamstime

Somewhat similar image

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3 Responses

  1. July 6, 2011

    […] Sale of Rights to an image – Dreamstime    Earnings from Microstock photography in June 2011 […]

  2. July 19, 2011

    […] months, June has been unusual, to say the least. The month started well with the purchase of the full rights to an image on Dreamstime, followed by a couple of enhanced sales on the following two days on Shutterstock – one of […]

  3. October 27, 2011

    […] […]

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