Sales of stock photos in September 2011

The summer lull has definitely passed, and September turned in the best month to date in terms of earnings. Shutterstock roared ahead with a personal best on that site of $415, beating a previous high of $386 set back in April. The sales of the cat images as enhanced downloads certainly helped – all told I had four enhanced downloads from that site. iStock has also turned into a nice little earner. I have tried to upload 20 images every week (the maximum I’m allowed) and I get at least three quarters accepted, so I am slowly building up my library on that site. This month I made $168 in terms of basic sales – iStock reports sales via their partner sites throughout the next month, and I usually estimate around $30 or so – however, the partner sales in August shot up to $56, so I am hopefully underestimating final sales. Then I had a reasonable month on all the other sites – a sale on Alamy, steady sales on Dreamstime, a couple of videos on Pond5, great signs of life on Zoonar with $68 last month and $46 this month, and, finally, another steady month ($36) from iSignStock, a UK based stock site focusing on the signage industry. I’ll write more about that site in coming weeks. The final tally – $1050 for the month of September!

sales from microstock images september 2011

Growth in sales

sales from microstock images september 2011

Sales per site

sales from microstock images september 2011

Files per site

increase in files per stock site

Growth in files per site

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