Selling on Zazzle

As I mentioned last year, I’ve been putting products on Zazzle – a print on demand on-line shopping site where you upload images and design products, but Zazzle does all the selling and product fulfillment. I’ve had some success with my award winning 2011 Kauai Calendar, but less success on the other products. I’ve decided to continue to work on it in 2011, and specialize in a few niches rather than try to spread my products about. At the moment, I am focusing on bengal cat related images, and have created some greeting cards with a cat theme – the first of which “Waiting for Santa” is shown below.

Christmas Card on Zazzle featuring lovely Bengal kitten

Waiting for Santa

I’ve also installed a gadget in the bottom right hand column of this blog which displays the most popular items on Zazzle in a particular theme – at the moment, Valentine’s Day. If you are interested in a Valentine gift, please check out the products in the sidebar. They aren’t my products, but I get a commission for referring you to the site!

Look for a personalized gift at Zazzle.

(Visited 174 times, 1 visits today)

1 Response

  1. March 8, 2011

    […] also use your photos as templates for Business Cards, which is an interesting sideline, and sell unique products based on your images and design on Zazzle. The key thing is to enjoy yourself and let your photography generate some much needed cash! Blog […]

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