Sometimes seeing the thumbnail really helps
I took some images of a new golf course in Kauai around sunset and liked the calm and serene feeling of the “18th hole”, and so submitted about four different shots of the green and a sand bunker. I noticed that one of them:
Looks a bit like a heart…
sold reasonably well on Shutterstock and the image in the thumbnail immediately reminded me of a heart shape in front of the flag – it starts off well at the top, but loses it! As a bit of fun, I decided to rework that one image and see if I could illustrate the concept of “I’m in love with Golf” by actually turning that sand trap into a full heart shape. End result is here:
I’ve uploaded it today to the various sites – lets see if this one catches the imagination of the buyers!
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Great idea,shows that we always need to be creative, greatings from Holland
One interesting comment on these two – the first one was accepted by Shutterstock even though the lighting is late evening sunlight. Second one was rejected for lighting, and so I adjusted the light temperature to make it more like daylight and resubmitted. The resubmission was accepted…
I have been getting a lot of rejections lately from Shutterstock for lighting issues
How cool is that. I, too, had poured some oil in a frying pan and it came out looking like a heart, by accident. So out came the camera.
Great idea – I did some oil on water shots some long time ago – here on Fine Art America. That is always good fun. The water is in a shallow glass container, olive oil dribbled onto the surface with a colorful book or picture below the container to give all the colors.