Which Stock Agencies do I support?

As I was gathering my earnings for the month of October from the various sites, I got to thinking about which agencies I still upload images to, and why? I have tried various sites in the past, and have never actually deleted images from an agency, but for some, I just stopped uploading new images. I thought is would be interesting to put that in a table so that you can see how many images I have with each site, how much I earned in October from the site and draw your own conclusions. One issue with this – some sites are a bit volatile in terms of earnings – for some reason I’ve had two great months with 123RF, but normally earn closer to $100 on that site, and Alamy can be very variable – from next to nothing to a couple of hundred dollars. Zoonar is a bit like that as well, although it is getting more reliable for me – earnings from their partner sites drop into my account at regular intervals.

Anyway, enough of a lead-in – here are the results for October. Total earnings of around $2500, although I’ve estimated the Partner earnings from iStock, which makes it a solid month’s performance.

Earnings per agency and upload status

Earnings per agency and upload status

Just one explanatory note – my Shutterstock and Pond5 earnings include some video sales. I don’t have many – perhaps 100 clips or so, but I do generally get at least one footage sale per month. I really ought to train myself to take more videos when I am out shooting!

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6 Responses

  1. Alessandra says:

    I have recently started contributing to Fotolia and I quite don’t get it. Unlike other sites where i can readily see which files have been evaluated, and from those, which have been approved, are waiting moderation or have been denied, Fotolia only seems to indicate those that have been approved. Out of 36 files I had 5 approved, and the three that were rejected sit as “waiting moderation” with the others, which are in a limbo. Go figure.

  2. admin says:

    I don’t find that on Fotolia. They are different in that they ask you to prioritize the keywords, but once they are submitted, I get emails about each file to either say accepted or rejected and they give a reason. The emails don’t all come at once, but I eventually get one for each submitted file.

  3. erdinc says:

    hello thanks for article, can u share your profile on shutterstock,thanks

  1. March 1, 2015

    […] – both RM ones to Alamy, Corbis and Zoonar, and RF ones to the same sites plus all the various microstock sites I talked about in this blog post, but the earnings are tending to level off. Although there are ups and downs, it is hard to say […]

  2. March 5, 2015

    […] there are some agencies you just don’t like – Fotolia is my bete-noire. I listed the stock agencies I currently support here. 7: Don’t forget those editorial RM type images with people and famous buildings […]

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