Stock images 27 February 2012

I’ve been a bit lazy this last week…

I did some images of pancakes – this is a tradition on Shrove Tuesday in the UK, but it was this past week in the US:

Pancake in pan

Pancake on plate

Then I found some old images of plants that have been planted at the National Arboretum in Washington DC that are used for power related processing – oil, diesel, ethanol etc. I spent some time editing and then keywording them with their correct botanic and latin names to maximise the chances of them being found:

Castor Beans used for ethanol

Finally, I worked on extracting this bonsai tree from its background. To say this was tricky was an understatement! The background was a grey granite sheet, and you could see it between the leaves. I tried for a white background, but finding all the bits of grey was just too complex and so I did the best I could and then made the background a light grey. Sometimes, cheating works!

Isolated Bonsai Tree

I did take some new images of trees reflected in a still river, and some interesting wild birds in my garden, but they really didn’t make the cut as stock images.

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