Stock photo ideas – Jan 26

I think I’m already a bit late with this one, but I have a feeling (and a big worry) that it will turn into the biggest story of 2020. As such, it could generate a demand for a whole range of illustrative images and videos.

I’m talking about the corona virus epidemic in China. First, I suspect it is a lot worse than we know, and if it spreads in another country, it will be the subject of endless discussions As well as major concerns. I’ve already ordered some 99% dust masks for potential subjects (and potential use!) and I think you could create many images and videos around that and the possible implications. Food shortages, empty shelves, panic, medical shots, travel bans etc.

If it does develop, it could be the trigger for stock market declines and recession, and, as mentioned earlier, for a need for up to date imagery on that. Sorry to be a doom merchant, but we need to think of both our health and the stock potential.

I’m not at home yet, and so I’ve no images to illustrate this post.

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I'm always interested in what you think - please let me know!