Symzio gaining status on Google Image Search

Although we have only been live for a few weeks, the new Symzio stock agency is gaining traction among contributors (over 20,000 images now) and is making headway in that key constituency – Google Image Search. I did a search for my favorite combination of words – “lonesome bengal cat” on Google images and comes up with 8 hits out of the first 40 images. For some reason 123RF always seems to come up well in these sort of searches, but for a new agency like Symzio to come up with 20% of the hits at the top of page 1 is pretty remarkable. All the inter-linking between our sites must be doing something good!

If you are interested in learning more about Symbiostock plugin for your wordpress based personal stock agency and Symzio, you can read some of my earlier posts starting here with this first post where I write about converting my stock photo site to the new format.

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