Trying to boost my stock site using Social Media

I am trying hard this year to get my own stock agency, Backyard Stock Photos off the ground. This is based on wordpress with the free Symbiostock plugin – I wrote about the way I migrated from my old site in this earlier post. The developer of the plugin has created agency where all the users of the plugin can choose to include their images (on a one by one basis if you want) and choose the price for the full sized RF license and I have all my RF images now in that Symzio Agency.  But – and this is a big but – how do we get traction, which basically means that when someone searches on Google Images, for instance, how close to the top of the page do they see my image in either Symzio or Backyard Stock Photos?

The Symzio design, which interlinks the various individual stock sites together, is designed with some great Search Engine Optimization, but a key to better search performance is raising the profile of our sites from other authoritative sites. So, I, together with some of the other contributors, are having a dedicated campaign of creating interesting social media posts and links back to our sites to boost that popularity.

I’ve created a Facebook business page for Backyard Stock Photos:


Feel free to like it, if you like! I plan to post at least twice a day – a mix of interesting stock photos and articles.

I’m also tweeting more regularly from @steheap – again, interesting things and bits of news.

Time will tell if this starts to increase the number of visitors and then buyers to our sites!

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1 Response

  1. Alessandra says:

    I have liked many pages on facebook that I don’t see much of. It used to be that if you liked a page you would see most updates but no more. Google ++ might be a better option, particularly if you join designer’s and blogs groups. I have joined a few photography groups there and they actually have brought a small audience to my small blog- learning photography. I believe that if I had more time to invest networking there I could achieve good results.

    On the other hand, you can do one of those paid adds on facebook. The minute I signed up for stock agencies I started seeing stock agency ads on my feed… I don’t know how much a fb add costs but I think it is a way to go.

I'm always interested in what you think - please let me know!