Two Shutterstock records broken in one day

Yesterday turned out to be a great day on Shutterstock. On of the records was much anticipated – I finally passed the $50,000 earnings level after first joining the site in early 2008 – I was $4 short on Monday, but ended Tuesday with $50,159! I’m averaging around $11,000 a year on that site now, and so less than 5 years to my next big threshold of $100,000!

So the second record? I got a single sale for $120. That is well above my previous best which I think was around $95 or so, and the winning image was one of my cherry blossom shots from Washington DC. Not one of my best shots (in my view) but it obviously hit the right buttons for the buyer. Here is that image from my new portfolio on Symzio:

Sold on Shutterstock for $120

Sold on Shutterstock for $120



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1 Response

  1. congrats Steve. That is persistence at its best! And thanks very much for sharing that important info!

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